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About Triangle

Our Organization

Our Values

"At first glance, most students at MSOE disregard Greek Life and lump it in with other things that seem like a time waste and bad decision. But, coincidentally, the majority of students who joined Triangle had shared that idea and presumption... and still joined.

There is a reason for this ironic happening. Triangle is not like most fraternities, dare we say, we're a quite a bit more academically focused and steeped in a stronger set of values that we continually attempt to live up to.

- Paul Rinaldi, msoe21

Our Ethic

As members of Triangle, we swear an oath to uphold our Code of Ethics.This Code of Ethics reflects our fraternities beliefs and values.

Our Story

Observe the precepts of the Fraternity as set forth in the Ritual;

Accept cheerfully my full share of any task, however menial, involved in maintaining a chapter home;

Preserve and promote the chosen ideals of my Fraternity;

Pay all personal bills promptly, and always live within my means;

Help create in my chapter home an environment in which enduring friendships may be formed;

Maintain a creditable scholastic record;

Promote the welfare of my profession;

Maintain my self-respect by proper conduct at all times;

Uphold faithfully the traditions and program of my Alma Mater;

Pay the price of success in honest effort.

At a glance.

When not working on schoolwork, we can be found holding events, volunteering, working on our house, playing sports or games together, as you'll see...

About MSOE Triangle Chapter

Our History

Triangle Fraternity is the oldest Greek Organization on MSOE campus, having been founded locally in 1965. We are comprised of Engineers, Architects, and Scientists which fit perfectly with MSOE's pursuit to further STEM education. Members immediately have connections with thousands of brothers all across the country and the world. All connected through our shared experiences and passion for STEM. Our members are seen at the forefront of MSOE Leadership, having various positions all across campus. These leadership positions not only give us the tools and knowledge for our future careers, but give us the opportunity to serve the campus and community by making a lasting impact for over half a century.Learn more at or by exploring our website more.

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+1 (414) 271 - 8363

1706 E Irving Pl

Milwaukee, WI 53189

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© 2023 by MSOE Triangle Fraternity Organization.

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